In every man there are latent faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself knowledge of the higher worlds. The mystic, theosophist, or gnostic speaks of a soul-world and a spirit-world, which are, for him, just as real as the world which we see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical hands. At every moment his listener may say to himself: What he speaks about I too can learn, when I have developed within myself certain powers which today lie slumbering within me. There remains only the question as to how one has to commence in order to develop within oneself such faculties. For this only those can give advice who have already developed such powers within themselves. As: long as the human race has existed, there have always been schools in which those who possessed these higher faculties gave instruction to those who were in search of them. Such are called the occult schools, and the instruction which is imparted there is called the esoteric science, or occult teaching. Such a designation naturally awakens misunderstanding. He who hears it may be very easily misled into the belief that those who work in these, schools desire to represent a special, privileged class, which arbitrarily withholds its knowledge from its fellow-creatures. Indeed, he may even think that perhaps there is nothing really important behind such knowledge. For he is tempted to think that, if it were a true knowledge, there would then be no need to make a secret about it: one might then communicate it publicly and open up its advantages to all men.
This an equally strict law which insists that no one shall receive any occult knowledge until he is worthy. And the more strictly he observes these two laws, the more perfect is an Initiate. The order which embraces all Initiates is surrounded, as it were, by a wall, and the two laws here mentioned form two strong principles by which the constituents of this wall are held together. You may live in close friendship with an Initiate, yet this wall will separate him from you just as long as you have not become an Initiate yourself. You may enjoy in the fullest sense the heart, the love of an Initiate, yet he will only impart to you his secret when you yourself are ready for it. You may flatter him; you may torture him; nothing will induce him to divulge to you anything which he knows ought not to be disclosed, inasmuch as you, at the present stage of your evolution, do not understand how rightly to receive the secret into your soul.
the GREAT KALI BROTHERHOOD is the hope to train well-balanced intelligent people with characters stabilized by using all possible occult powers and methods. We believe in “The Light.” It is through this Light that we are guided and able to conquer all obstacles, thus making all our aspirations possible.”
Each member will be required to keep a detailed meditative record of his/her exercise/rituals. If will have the option to submit your meditative record to us at the end of each month.
  • The GREAT KALI BROTHERHOOD will assess the meditation record and write back to you with comments and recommendations. You can write to us at any time if you have any questions or problems and you will be contacted within ten (10) days after we have received your letter.
We do not claim that the occult holds all the answers to your struggles, but we do know that it has a part to play in the eventual victory over them. We believe that the occult holds a timeless key which may be applied to life and all its problems.
 GREAT KALI  secret society does not impose our will on any member. Our expectation is for each member to form their own judgments and ask questions, for clarity and to develop a responsible attitude towards their spirituality.To become a member ,call;08157903647                               or email;GREATKALIBROTHERHOOD@GMAIL.COM
